C1 gaming

 Do Now.                                                    Wednesday 18 September

1. Media forms include, social media (instagram, facebook etc), the news, websites   radio, film, video games, advertising, magazine.

2. You can access the media through the internet, the radio, on TV, computers & phones  Cinema, magazine

Video Games

Lo. To explore the history and context of video games

1970's- nolan bushnell creates a arcade table tennis game which when tested it stopped working because people liked it so much it got jammed with coins.

1980's- Nintendo donkey kong is created and Mario who later becomes well known. Mario was originally called jumpman but its later changed in a different game.

1990's- Sonic the hedgehog is created and people love his speed and attitude.

2000's- Nintendo ds is released which is a portable game system with two screens and a touch screen.

2010's- Minecraft is released the brick building game created by Markus Persson.

Uses and gratifications:

The theory states that an audience will use a media form for either one of 4 reasons.
Personal Identity
Social interaction

Baseline Test:
Explain why audiences play video games.

The gratification theory states that an audience uses media for one of four reasons including, personal identity, information, entertainment and social interaction. Audiences can get happiness from playing video games for example of a game, they could play roblox in their free time for entertainment. Playing a game like this in your free time would be a way of having fun and just altogether entertaining yourself because its 1 game that has many different choices of other games you can play to fit your choice of entertainment. They can also use the platform online to play with their friends of family which will help them with socialising and continue to communicate and connect. While playing games you can be playing at the same time as someone else while speaking to them, or you can be in the same game as another and talk through the in-game voice chat or by typing.Some video games are more personal and people could feel like they can relate to the in-game characters where you can create your own worlds and people in a way that feels personal to you like in Sims 4 where you design everything and also take control over your characters lives. This gives the personal identity because you can make it to relate to you in your own ways. Some games can be more informational such as smaller internet games that can be linked into documentaries which some people will choose to play for educational purposes based on the documentaries they can watch on TV. This gives evidence that backs up the gratification theory on why people choose to play video games for the four key reasons.

T: 2 try to add more examples in more depth to each area of the PIES that you cover.

Do Now

1. The acronym used for Bulmer and Katz theory is PIES. ✔
2. The U&G theory is; personal identity. ✔
3. information. ✔
4. entertainment. ✔
5. social interaction. ✔

                                                                                       Wednesday 25 September 

1. people can use platforms such as playstation, xbox, PC, Nintendo and many more 
2. They are moveable, always on you, and cheaper
3. its increasing
4. advertisements in game
5. augmented reality is combining real life with virtual reality games.
a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world

55% video game players are male and 45% are female.

Case study Fortnite

Lo. to research the case study and explore the context of video games

1. Fortnite was produced by epic games 

2. Fortnite has been around for 7 years 

3. the games made $26 billion $5.63 

4. the different games in the franchise are first-party games like Fortnite Battle Royale, LEGO® Fortnite, Rocket Racing, and Fortnite Festival, as well as creator-made experiences

5. Fortnite is a third-person shooter game where up to 100 players compete to be the last person or team standing. You can compete alone or join a team of up to four. You progress through the game by exploring the island, collecting weapons, building fortifications and engaging in combat with other players. 

6. Fortnite genre is survival, battle royale and sandbox 

7. Fortnite appears on other media platforms as advertisements People playing the game on youtube etc

8. Fortnite allows users to play together Fortnite has a system called Skill-Based Matchmaking (SBMM) that matches players with similar skill levels for fair and competitive matches. SBMM in Fortnite considers factors like win-loss records, kill-death ratios, and other performance metrics to create balanced teams. 

9. I think Fortnite's been so successful because of its way of advertising, it has frequent updates to keep it interesting, and it has different aspects to appeal to different ages. 

10. The U&G theory can be related to Fortnite because it is a way of entertainment for people as well as social interaction by playing online with others.

Epic games was started by Tim Sweeney in 1991.
In 2014 the Guinness book of records named unreal engine as the most succesful videogame engine.
Tencent- a Chinese investment company focused on internet and ai development brought a 42% stake in epic in 2012.

Do Now                                                                             Wednesday 2 October

1. Epic games produces Fortnite. ✔
2. Epic was started in 2017. 1991
3. Fortnite is survival, battle, and sandbox. ✔
4. PIES is personal identity, information, entertainment and social. ✔
5. Augmented reality is real reality combined with the virtual world. ✔

Exploring Context

Lo. to explore the context of video games

Prince Harry
- created to addict
- world health organisation classed it as a disorder
- aim to keep you in front of a screen
- should be banned

The main points are that Fortnite was created to addict and Prince Harry thinks it should be banned. The world health organisation also classed gaming as a disorder. I disagree because a game is a source of entertainment and its a choice to play it for however long you decide you want to. I think the ideas are quite drastic to be classed as a disorder since its a decision to play whatever game you choose. Prince Harry wasn't a child when gaming was a big thing and since part of royalty he wouldn't be able to understand 'gaming' so his views aren't quite as valid as if he did actually play these games.

Healthcare Triage
- No evidence they cause violence
- People who played it before were calmer in frustration test
- Violent games give violent thoughts.

The main points are that there is no link between violence and video games. However he does say that violent games give violent thoughts, but they are not acted upon. I agree because i think that after all of the studies they have done to try and test it, it always comes back as there being no link. In one test the people who had played violent games before were calmer when frustrated. I think this idea is proving the violent games aren't entirely bad and shouldn't result in being banned because even if it gives violent thoughts for a short while after playing its not acted upon so it has no effect.

Media Insider
- copycat theory
- Bandura's Bobo doll 

The main points are that during Bandura's experiment he too children between 3-5 years old and put them each in a room with a Bobo doll. He then showed some of those children a video of adults hitting this doll to test how the children react. The children shown the video then reacted by hitting this doll and using the tools inside the room to attack it, and even yelling at it things that they heard on the video. However i disagree with this test because they are children and children pick up behaviours from their surroundings and their environments. They also would've never seen this doll before and when seeing a video on someone using it, they are going to believe that automatically that is how your supposed to play with it. This test also is done on young children watching something, which doesn't really relate to playing video games that are violent, since that is the parents place to make sure the age limits stop their child from playing a game that their too young for.

Do video games create violence?
I believe that video games dont create violence. The main points for violent video games creating violence are that its copycat behaviour and its addictive. The main points against violent video games creating violence are that theres no evidence of it causing violence in any tests they have tried.
I disagree with it creating violence because its a choice to play these games and although it can create violent thoughts its not acted upon.

1 comment:

  1. 18/9- Great application and understanding. T: 2 try to add more examples in more depth to each area of the PIES that you cover.


Course Stucture

  GCSE Media Studies                                Friday 13th September Lo. to understand the structure and content of the course Exam co...