C1 magazines

 What is representation?

Lo. to explore the concept of representation and stereotypes

Representation is the way the media shows something in their own way so it can be bended to fit whatever they want.

This image shows 3 clearly close girls which are friends all looking happy, which shows a positive representation of teenage girlhood.

This image shows 4 friends all looking very happy as a group and getting along with eachother which is positive.

This shows the happiness between the two friends who have been on a nice day out eating ice cream on the bus.


A stereotype is a generalised representation of a person, place, or thing. They are limited and often offensive or used for comedy.

Do Now                                                          Friday 20 September

1. representation is how something is shown by the media in their own way.  
2. When looking at how something is represented you can consider the mise-en-scene.  If it's positive or negative
3. a stereotype is assumptions made based on common opinions and associations. A generalised representation of a person place or thing
4. there are three exams in media.  Two
5. media language, industries, representations, contexts, and audiences.


Nurse: female, blue clothes
Mechanic: male, dirty, old clothes
Private school boy; hair gelled back and short, beige uniform, fancy house, horses.
Tattoo lover: covered in tattoos, bald, male, big piercing holes, bulky

Stereotypes are negative, students are messy, misbehaving, and loud. And teachers are positively represented as doing their jobs and reinforcing their rules constantly.
Student- messy, loud, disruptive, talkative, not working, these are stereotypes for a teenage student
Teachers- uniform, working, reinforcing, smart looking, these are the stereotypes for a teacher

Lo. to explore representations found in magazines

Magazine- The name of the magazine brand.
Cover lines- Small pieces of text about what's in the magazine around the outside.
Main image- the biggest background image.
Main cover line- the main thing the magazine is about which will be bolder than the other cover lines.
Puff- eye catching image/shapes
Colour palette- the colours used on the cover based on the associations to the theme of magazine.
Direct address- the image looking directly at you and use of word "you".
Star vehicle- the celebrity included in the magazine or model.

Do Now                                                                                   Friday 27 September

1. The masthead of a magazine is the name of the magazine brand/title. ✔
2. The cover lines tell you about what the magazine contains. ✔
3. A puff is a shape on the cover that catches the eye. ✔
4. When looking at representations we can think about stereotypes. wether its positive/negative
5. stereotypes are often used in the media and can also be challenged. ✔

Representations in magazines

How is she represented on each cover?
Cover 1: casual, happy, motherly
Cover 2: powerful, confident, famous
Cover 2: Cheerful, colourful, fancy


She is represented as rich, model like, and very famous.

Differences between two covers: 
 target audience
 colour palettes
 type of magazine
 gender of cover star
 different company
 different topics

These differences are created in each magazine so that it can appeal to different target audiences.

In cosmo representation:
Wanting to loose weight
loves guys
alcoholic drinks
wanting a relationship

In the Cosmo magazine it represents women as wanting to loose weight because most of these cover lines are to do with eating healthy and weight loss. Its also saying women want relationships and specifically with guys with "guys made easy" or 'the real secret to sex appeal" and the woman model herself, Carrie Underwood, is shown in a slim fit dress and the stereotypical "perfect" body.

In GQ it is representing men by using cover lines that are typically a mans interest. They used the famous footballer David Beckham as the cover star and surrounded by taglines about "the coolest shoes" and talk of "football". 

blue and black
liking shoes

Do Now                                                              Friday 4 October

1. The main cover line would look bolder and bigger than others. ✔
2. Direct address is using "you" or the model looking at you. ✔
3. The sticker like shape is the puff. ✔
4. Blue is associated with males. ✔
5. objectification is making a living thing seem inanimate. ✔

Representation task

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Course Stucture

  GCSE Media Studies                                Friday 13th September Lo. to understand the structure and content of the course Exam co...